Wellness: Why you should be eating your water


You should really be eating your water in order to assist you with hydrating! Let me ask...Have you ever found yourself walking around with an oversized water container from Buc-ee's in order to get your recommended “8 glasses per day?” Well I have good news for you, those days may just be long gone for you!  Everyone knows that hydration is an important part of your overall health and as a “side effect” you benefit from radiant skin! So how can you get the benefits of hydration without looking like a weirdo walking around with a gallon of water like a sugar baby project from high school?  Totally easy!  Let me break it down for you.

First off, your overall hydration is about how much water your body actually holds in your cells, and the way to help with this process is by adding food that is high in water, particularly plant foods. Many people don’t realize that 20 percent of your water actually comes from your food. By adding hydrating foods into your diet you will be well on your way to hydration on the cellular level.  It really is that easy.  Up your hydrating food intake and you will reach your hydration goals! Score! So, I know what you are saying now, “Colet what foods are those?”  That’s easy, you know I have you covered!

Here are five foods that boast the large quantities of water that you might want to add to your weekly grocery list to get optimal hydration and glowing skin!!

CUCUMBER:  Cucumberis a wonderful food to add into your diet boasting the highest water content with 96.7%  And is good for your skin both from within and topically. You can add cucumbers to your salads, smoothies or even have it just on its own.

CELERY: With vitamins A, C, and K celery also has 95% water content.  Celery can be paired with a nut butter for a wonderfully hydrating treat or even thrown into your morning green juice!

TOMATO: Tomato is on the list of fall seasonal foods.  It boasts a water content of 94%.  According to the Department of Food Sciences at North Carolina State University,  “tomatoes are the second most produced and consumed vegetable nature.”  You can hydrate all day with tomatoes by picking up the cherry tomatoes at the grocery store and pop them all day like I do!!

WATERMELON: With 92% water content watermelons are creeping out of season as we approach fall, but I mean really these are a summer staple!  I have to say growing up my grandfather farmed and raised watermelons.  I can’t remember a time when my sister and I were not running around dripping with watermelon juice.  Come to think of it, that is probably what got us through playing in the 100 degree Texas summer heat!  So, moral of the story?  Grab watermelon to hydrate when you are running about fancy free on a Texas farm!

⎮CABBAGE: Another fall veggie making the hydrating produce list is cabbage!  Cabbage contains about 93 to 92% water depending on which variety you select!  Cabbage is rick in vitamins C,K, B, folate, manganese, and much more!  Grab some cabbage and add it to your soup, create a flavorful salad or even make your out batch of sauerkraut!




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