For me, springtime is always a time for rejuvenation. So much emphasis is put on the ritual of Spring Cleaning and out comes the brooms, closet organizing tools and up goes the garage doors to tackle the mess that we hid away all winter!
With this up kick, one thing that I have noticed is that not often do we really approach spring cleaning holistically, you know, not just cleaning the house or donating the sweaters that are too small for the kiddos, but looking at our health too!
It is time that we really assess what we can dust off when it comes to our health wellness. Now, this may mean an infusion of seasonal vegetables, a change in your cardio routine or the addition of a supplement to make up for a deficiency in your diet or due to medication you may be taking. Whatever the case, I think that spring is the perfect time to get the magnifying glass out and take a second look at ourselves!
I want to share some of my favorite things to do during spring to get me going and shake the cobwebs off from wintertime...you know, the things that revive me during the season! Check them out below!