Mindset: 5 ways to recharge naturally
Grab my favorite bath salts HERE
BATHE: I had a friend who never took a shower. Sounds pretty gross right?! Well, maybe that was a bit misleading. What I should have said was that my friend would forgo her showers to take baths. Every night. That is right, she would run bath water each night and sit in a warm bath to end her day. Amazing, right? My first thought was, that is crazy, how do you have time to take a soaking bath each night? But, what I have learned is, where energy goes, attention flows. What does that mean? Basically, where you place your attention is exactly what you focus on and what you get done. I didn’t take on the everyday soaking bath, but I committed to myself to take a bathe at least once a week in order to decompress, relax and make time for myself. I suggest you do so too. Bathing can assist with muscle pain, promote better sleep- have a cold? The steam from your bath can assist with reducing your cold symptoms and bathing can actually help improve your mood! Up level your bath by using healing salts, organic essential oils or epsom salts.
Try a lavender smudge stick HERE
LIGHT A FIRE: Make candles or a smudge stick a part of your home decor. Your mood can definitely be affected by the smells that you take in. Our sense of smell connects the brain to an instinctual aspect of your senses. Lighting a scented candle can assist you with feeling more relaxed or more energized based on the particular scent. Another option would be to light a smudge stick. Using a smudge stick for aromatherapy can be a calming and soothing practice that can have the ability to alter your mood for the better, of course. When you light your smudge stick make it an event. Connect to your breathing and do a little meditation. Center yourself. Be adventurous and grab a smudge stick for your next in-home spa time!
Order your 'Roots on Tap' juice HERE
JUICING: Doing a juice cleanse is a great way to give your digestive system and colon a quick break. It also allows you to restore vital nutrients that you may have missed out on due to naughty or indulgent eating, or just a fun night on the town. Now, I don’t suggest jumping into a cleanse all “willy-nilly,” you should most certainly get some guidance from your medical practitioner, a health coach or at the very least chat with the nutritionist at your local juice bar. When I am not juicing it up in my own kitchen I always head to my go to juice spot here in Dallas, Roots On Tap! Not only do I love the design of the juice bar, the juices are made with the highest quality produce, and the owner, Nicole, is knowledgeable, and an absolute peach! She will make you feel right at home with her southern hospitality! If you are in town do yourself a favor and check out Roots on Tap, it’s definitely Curated Health approved!
KNOW YOUR LIMITATIONS: We can over promise and over commit. In fact, many of us do this quite often. In our culture we often feel that we have to pack our calendar to the max in order to be productive and not be labeled as lazy. The thing is though, we need to make sure that we understand that we all have limits and that even the most routine action tasks can be taxing on our energy. Your body will give you subtle signs to let you know that you are pushing it too far. Thing is, if you are constantly on the go you will miss the signs that you actually need to slow down. The one thing that you don’t want to do is reach your max and not be able to function mentally, physically or emotionally. This is something that I struggle with often... you know, respecting my limits. This lack of respect for my limitations and my mental capacity manifested in me breaking down physically, which set me back so much further than if I had re-worked in my schedule. So, set your limits and stick to them and make certain that you cushion your calendar for self care. My new self-care non-negotiable each day? Reading. Each week? Soaking in the bath. And it is delightful!
EXERCISE: You know, your mindset goes a long way. The reason many of us get defeated when it comes to exercise is because we don’t actually seize the moment and take time to enjoy the moment that we are currently participating. The key to consistent exercise is that you do something that you like and find pleasure in it as you are doing it! Think back to when you were a kid, and rode your bike, played kickball, and sprinted up and down the hill to see who was the fastest. When you were doing those things you weren’t thinking, “oh geez, I do not want to exercise today.” No! You were enjoying the moment and relishing in it right then and there. How do you stick with a routine? A question I get asked quite often. How you do this is that you focus on the activity that you are doing and not the desired outcome- trust me, be consistent and you will have no option but to reap the rewards.
How are you recharging your body, mind, and soul? Leave a comment below and let me know!