013: A Retreat or Vacation, What's the Difference
013: A Retreat or Vacation: What's the Difference
In the states, vacation and holiday time can be limited, and therefore selecting how you spend this time is a high priority, and getting it right is crucial.
Retreats have become a viable option for vacation time over the past few years, but what makes a retreat the "thing-to-do" and why would you select a retreat over a traditional vacation and vice versa?
In this episode we discuss the difference between a retreat and vacation. We also go into detail about what makes a retreat worth the time and money. And of course, we connect it all to your overall well being.
CURATED RESOURCES discussed in this episode:
Curated Retreats: www.thecuratedretreat.com
ARTICLE: Do You Need a Wellness Vacation- Chopra Center
Instagram: www.instagram.com/curatedhealth
Facebook: www.fb.com/curatedhealth
Facebook: www.fb.com/curatedhealth
Instagram: www.instagram.com/curatedhealth
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/curatedhealth
The Living Well Course: www.livingwellcourse.com
Curated Retreats- France: www.thecuratedretreat.com
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This episode is sponsored by The Living Well Course, a 30-day email course created to assist you with getting focus and guiding you toward creating the life that you tell yourself you deserve, but haven't gotten around to creating just yet! The course touches on the topics of: home, food, exploration, balancing responsibility, relationships, mindset, movement, finances and more! With daily inspiration and actionable task you will have no reason not to create a life where living well is a non-negotiable! Use the exclusive code: 'BREAD' for $5 off The perfect time is now to create a life that you absolutely love!