010: Making Life Elegant in the Mundane
010: Making Life Elegant in the Mundane: Daily French Wellness Practices to Up Level Your Life
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Let me say that this topic is definitely on target and today is all about sharing the wellness practices of the French. A lot of these are going to come from French women, but guys out there, you can definitely utilize these! They are not necessarily gender specific.
It's all about how the French use these practices to live and create a life of elegance in the mundane and the minutia of it all. Now, let's not get it twisted, no matter where you live in the world. And no matter how your wellness practices are, there are still going to be tasks that come up requirements that can't be circumvented. And for me a laundry to fold that will make you feel less than tres chic by any means.
But, what I love most about the French wellness practices, and their approach to life is that it's bundled in this elegant fabric and it just makes it feel like a five star resort versus like an entry level hostel. So today my points of reference for our topic come from two of my favorite books from French authors.
Resources mentioned in the show!
How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are: Love, Style, and Bad Habits: https://amzn.to/38pd8qJ
Love Style Life: https://amzn.to/2PsEROM
Say Bonjour to the Lady: Parenting from Paris to New York: https://amzn.to/2E5FVD6
Eat the Damn Bread Episode 005: www.curatedhealthcoach.com/podcast/005
Eat the Damn Bread Episode 008: www.curatedhealthcoach.com/podcast/008
The History Chicks Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-history-chicks/id415983183
Curated Resources for you!
The Curated Retreat-Provence 2020: Walking Into a Fresh Field of Dreams
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